I have been repurposing, repainting, and reinventing for months. Here are just a few of the pictures of things I have done with paper, paint, glitter, and stuff around the house. If it doesn’t move, it has a good chance of being modified in some way. Don’t laugh. I’m serious! Just ask my husband. He moves just so I won’t paint HIM. I’m in a sewing phase now. Yeah…dangerous.

What is in this collage? Well, let me tell you.
A repurposed book that I tore apart to make a wreath for my wall.
A pillow I painted with black fabric paint to go on the bench I painted black. {sense a color theme here?}
A design that I put silver glitter on and put in a frame. It is so MUCH prettier in person. {You can’t see it sparkle}.
A fabric wreath I made for my front door that hung on a black canvas.
I repurposed book pages on my (home-made) tissue box cove. I also covered styrofoam balls with ribbon, string and book pages.
I’m onto making Christmas stuff now. I find glitter EVERYWHERE! I guess that is the price I pay for beauty around the house. giggle