I’m nearly done with my custom orders (just one left) and I’m feeling good about today! Today will be the day to get a ton of things done! Today will be the day to make order of the disorder in my office, clean my desk, organize my papers and file them, go through the 135 crayon and paint pictures created in this house by a four and (nearly) two year old and get rid of nearly all of them (don’t tell them – PLEASE), put away a weeks worth of laundry, sweep the carpets, and then tackle whatever else falls into my lap. Mind you, these are my goals for the day and I’m going to jump for joy if I get three two of these items completed! Hope you have an awesome day!
Oh, the picture is just for fun! A silly headband with little crazy, pink hair doodles at the top that the girls got from a fair earlier in the year.