
Happy Tuesday


I’m nearly done with my custom orders (just one left) and I’m feeling good about today!  Today will be the day to get a ton of things done!  Today will be the day to make order of the disorder in my office, clean my desk, organize my papers and file them, go through the 135 crayon and paint pictures created in this house by a four and (nearly) two year old and get rid of nearly all of them (don’t tell them – PLEASE), put away a weeks worth of laundry, sweep the carpets, and then tackle whatever else falls into my lap.  Mind you, these are my goals for the day and I’m going to jump for joy if I get three two of these items completed!  Hope you have an awesome day!

Oh, the picture is just for fun!  A silly headband with little crazy, pink hair doodles at the top that the girls got from a fair earlier in the year. 


A handy helper

I have something to confess.  I can be honest here, can’t I?  Sure I can.  You all will understand and lovingly support me, right?  I was a total SUCKER and purchased the FlipFold to help with folding my laundry.  I despise folding the clothes in the basket and the baskets sit there and taunt me until I relent and fold them.  Putting the clothes away is another topic but I’ll have to find another gadget to put them away.  So, I received my FlipFold and let me tell you, the angels sang, the birds chirped, and the clouds parted to reveal the sun AND my husband laughed at me.  I enjoy folding laundry now!  No lie!  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         It is totally silly but I like how everything is the same width and it looks nice and clean in the drawers and closets (except for under garments and the like) but I love it and don’t mind sitting down now to tackle the baskets.  Phew…I feel better now.  I shared my deep, dark secret of my frivolous purchase.  I double dare you to try them.  Does anyone else have them?



A short break

We went away last weekend to have a family vacation with my husband’s side of the family.  It was a wonderful weekend and we had lots of fun but we missed sharing the weekend with Mark’s father who recently passed away.  We scheduled this vacation before he died and felt that we should go ahead with our plans and I’m glad that we did.  I love Mark’s family and enjoyed the time I spent with them and the children loved playing together.  Oh to have that much energy again and love for life without concerns.

We went to Potawatomi Inn in Angola, Indiana.  It is a beautiful place and I loved being near Lake James. 


One special addition to our weekend was that seaplanes landed on Lake James for the fly-in and then came up a ramp on the beach and onto the grounds.  I LOVE planes and I just stood there grinning with delight watching them land.  I couldn’t help it.  I loved hearing the engines.  My father passed along his love of planes to me.   


Mark and Ashley swinging or “fwinging” as she says it.


A seaplane docked at Lake James near the beach


A seaplane on the grounds after it landed.

The children also got to do crafts in a craft room at the Inn which was totally awesome and we could have stayed there all day but wanted to go outside to enjoy the trails, the beach, and the play area.

It was a weekend I will always remember and hope we can do it again another year.


Potty Picasso

We came back from a short family vacation on Sunday only to head right into potty training (not my choice)!!!!  This has been a long week, but a good one.  Ashley is doing well with this whole new phase of her life and I look forward to spending more time away from the bathroom and the edge of the bathtub (which is right next to the toilet).  Ashley enjoys sitting on the throne toilet and drawing for a VERY long time.  It leaves the cutest little red ring on her back side though.  shhh….


We have also lost four teeth in our household this week.  Mark had his wisdom teeth pulled yesterday so he has been sleeping and taking it easy to say the least. 

That is it for me.  No big news or design reveals this week.  I’ve been busy getting my custom orders out and have only two left to do so I’ll be done by the end of the weekend. 

Enjoy your weekend and I’ll share a few pictures later of our time away last weekend.  Ta Ta


You will get the hang of it…

Mia is enjoying ballet class and dances around in the hall before class like this.  She even told a little girl dancing around with her, “You will get the hang of it someday.”



Kaleidoscope Lampwork Bracelet


Those little beads have been sitting together and I couldn’t wait to put them all together into a wonderful collection of colors.


PiLes of PiLLows


We commonly have piles of pillows in our family room.  Pillows are squandered from every nook and cranny of the house and are thrown into one area.  Depending on the moods (two little moods), this area turns into a fort, a castle, a jumping arena, a giggle ground, a television viewing retreat, and the list goes on. 

Plan to pile on the fun in your home too!  What do you have to lose?


Lovely, Little Words

When Ashley speaks, I can’t help but enjoy her words because they are so precious and will soon be regular words soon enough.  Don’t worry about the spelling please because these aren’t correct words anyway.  : )  Here is a short list of words I hear throughout the day:

  • “Top” = Stop said rather insistently
  • “Noey” = No
  • “Lookie” = Look
  • “Bookie” = Book
  • “Nackie” = Snack (are you picking up the pattern here?)
  • “Cleam Up” = Clean up and is sung beautifully to the song. : )
  • “Okay Mama” = That one melts my heart
  • “Self” – because she is FEIRCLY independent!

She reads all of the time and I find her with piles of books or magazines around her quite frequently. 

AshleyReadingI hope you enjoyed your weekend.  I enjoyed mine and LOVED the weather.  I found it to be refreshing and revitalizing.  I couldn’t get enough of it this weekend and wish every weekend was like this.  I guess I would get tired of it though and want the change of the seasons.  

I torched (made beads for my custom orders) until I unexpectedly ran out of fuel, so I’ll have to lug my big tank out of the studio and get a new tank.  It isn’t too heavy now but when I bring home my full one, it is a heavy sucker.  That is a very professional term, isn’t it?  Sucker.  Ha ha.

Ballet starts tomorrow so it will be fun to add more variety to life and the schedule.  Not for me silly ladies, Mia.  I couldn’t lift my foot above my hip if I had to.  Well, I might be able to but I don’t want to try. 

Chat later!

Custom orders should stay on schedule in case you were wondering.  I’ll let you know if I fall behind if I can’t get my new tank.


I Do

WeddingDayI do love my husband more now than I did on our wedding day.

I do cherish each moment we spend together and can’t wait to spend the future with him by my side. 

I do pray that my daughters find wonderful men just like Mark because he is a wonderful man in so many ways.

I do love him for the spectacular father he is to our girls.

I do have a best friend in my spouse and respect him for so many things that he does, says, and accomplishes. 

I do feel like a princess because he treats me like I am one. 

I do thank God that I said, “I do” fourteen years ago today.

I do Love you Mark!

Yes, I was tired that day.  : )  It isn’t the best picture but it makes for a fun memory.


True or False

1). Ashley is now potty trained.  (False)  She just had fun sitting on the potty and acting like she was going to go.  I think I’ll wait till we are in the grip of a good snow storm before tackling that again.

2).  We have a new lovely floor.  (True)  No more mop and no more waxing the floors.  OH JOY!  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         I don’t want to show you the whole kitchen until I have been able to paint the cabinets and make it look all purty-like so I’ll keep you in suspense until then.  I know, I’m cruel like that.  : )  I can’t believe my husband was able to do it all by himself, but he did!  I tried to help (that was a joke) but I’m not the best at these types of things. It looks BEAUTIFUL and I’m thrilled with it.  You can’t really tell how great it looks but hopefully in a few weeks I’ll be able to show you the whole shebang.  Like that word?

3).  We are all sick with a cold virus.  (False)  Only the little girls are sick and tissues abound in every room.  The dog is loving tracking down stray tissues and eating them.  I’m serious!  I find it to be very frustrating to watch her run off very quickly after she has found a stray that I missed.  UGH!  Oh well. 

4).  I am already putting things together for the Christmas Open House.  (True)  I can’t help myself.  I love Christmas and am designing lovelies for a special online event for the evening of December the 6th.  Many of you had wonderful things to say about it last year so I’m going to do it again.

5).  My fourteenth wedding anniversary is tomorrow.  (True)  I can’t quite believe it has been that many years but yet it seems like I’ve known him all of my life.  Well I have almost.  We dated when I was 15, broke up, and then started dating again when I was 19 and got married at the young age of 23.    I love my husband dearly but I’ll tell you more tomorrow.  I have to save something to blog about then.  : ) 


TOO many changes

Ashley decided that TODAY was the day to potty train?  WHAT?  I don’t know that this is REALLY going to happen but she is definitely doing well so far.  C-R-A-Z-Y stuff going on here.  Mia is also sick with a cold that she picked up at her FIRST week of preschool.  Man that happened fast!  Germs don’t waste time I tell you. 


I cannot express how EXCITED I am that my old kitchen floor is finally going to disappear under a new layer of flooring!  I can’t take it any more and we are tackling the floor this weekend.  We have waited too long, in my opinion,KitchenFloor and I am thrilled that we are going to have a new floor in a few days.  After the floor is done, I’ll have to paint the cabinets next but I’ll start with baby steps first and be happy with a new floor that doesn’t have weird funk on it.  OH JOY! 

Change is in the air and Mia started preschool this week and loves it very much.  She can only remember one boys name and so we keep hearing about him.  Hmmmm?   She loves it and Ashley cries when we drop her off and proceeds to tell me, “Miss Mia” for the next few minutes until I distract her with candy or something fun.  Sorry, but candy works. : )  We are all enjoying the new schedule and changes in our home.  

Have a good weekend and if all works out well, (let’s all cross our fingers), I’ll show you the new floor in a few days.  :::giggle:::

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